Our Objectives

The objectives of the society are the study of the works of Shakespeare and his contemporaries by readings and lectures.
Meetings are held fortnightly on Tuesdays at
The Nottingham Mechanics, 3 North Sherwood Street.
Readings from 10.30 am-12.30 pm.
Talks from 7.00 pm-9.00 pm.
Annual subscription for adults is £50.00.
Visitors are always welcome at all our meetings for a small fee to cover costs
(£3.00 for meetings and £5.00 for talks.)
For more details email secretary@nottingham-shakespeare-society.co.uk
Our Members
We are from a variety of backgrounds but share a common interest in Shakespeare’s life and times.
Some of us have academic or theatrical experience, some of us have little or none of either, but we all enjoy reading, discussing and learning more from expert visiting speakers about his plays, poetry, contemporaries and background.
Our Activities
Each season we focus on six or seven works with readings in which members choose whether to take part or to listen; linked to these are talks from a range of expert visiting speakers leading to discussions. One of our readings is usually presented by local school students.
We also have a members’ evening in December, a poetry and music evening and an annual buffet dinner on or very near to Shakespeare’s birthday on April 23rd. There are often other informal meetings during the summer break.